
Data Overview: The Origin and Destination Survey (DB1B)

The Airline Origin and Destination Survey dataset, also known as DB1B, is a 10% random sample of airline tickets data collected by the Office of Airline Information of the Bureau of Transportation and Statistics from reporting carriers, which comprise the domestic carriers with over 1% of domestic enplanements (See Table 1). The data are provided to the Department of Transportation by U.S.-based (domestic) carriers, reflecting U.S. airline and code-share partner (foreign) airline routes, and contain coupon specific information for each itinerary of the DB1B Survey.

DB1B was created specifically to determine patterns of air traffic, air carrier market shares, and passenger flows. There are 25 years of available data (from 1993 up through 2018), aggregated by quarters. The dataset is divided into three tables: Coupon, Market, and Ticket. Before diving into the detailed description of each of these tables and its attributes, it is important to first understand the terminology and the relationship between the tables.

Table 1. List of carriers included in DB1B (as of 2018)

Code Description
9E Endeavor Air Inc.
AA American Airlines Inc.
AS Alaska Airlines Inc.
B6 JetBlue Airways
CP Compass Airlines
DL Delta Air Lines Inc.
EV ExpressJet Airlines Inc.
F9 Frontier Airlines Inc.
G4 Allegiant Air
G7 GoJet Airlines LLC d/b/a United Express
HA Hawaiian Airlines Inc.
MQ Envoy Air
NK Spirit Air Lines
OH PSA Airlines Inc.
OO SkyWest Airlines Inc.
QX Horizon Air
SY Sun Country Airlines d/b/a MN Airlines
UA United Air Lines Inc.
VX Virgin America
WN Southwest Airlines Co.
YV Mesa Airlines Inc.
YX Republic Airline

The Ticket table (as shown in Table 2) provides the most basic information about an itinerary, which includes origin airport, origin city, fare, miles flown, reporting carrier, and a flag indicating whether or not the trip is a round-trip. DB1B Market focuses on the characteristics of each directional market, shown in Table 3. For example, if in the Ticket table an itinerary is classified as a round-trip, the Market table should contain two entries detailing each trip origin and destination  along with flight details such as miles flown, market fare, and carrier change indicator. The Coupons table, illustrated in Table 4, provides all the details from the other two tables together with any breaks along the trip.

Table 2. DB1B Ticket Metadata

Attribute Description
ItinID Itinerary ID
Coupons Number of Coupons in the Itinerary
Year Year
Quarter Quarter (1-4)
Origin Origin Airport Code
OriginAirportID Origin Airport, Airport ID. An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airport. Use this field for airport analysis across a range of years because an airport can change its airport code and airport codes can be reused.
OriginAirportSeqID Origin Airport, Airport Sequence ID. An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airport at a given point of time. Airport attributes, such as airport name or coordinates, may change over time.
OriginCityMarketID Origin Airport, City Market ID. City Market ID is an identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a city market. Use this field to consolidate airports serving the same city market.
OriginCountry Origin Airport, Country
OriginStateFips Origin Airport, State FIPS
OriginState Origin Airport, State
OriginStateName Origin State Name
OriginWac Origin Airport, World Area Code
RoundTrip Round Trip Indicator (1=Yes)
OnLine Single Carrier Indicator (1=Yes)
DollarCred Dollar Credibility Indicator
FarePerMile Itinerary Fare Per Miles Flown in Dollars (ItinFare/MilesFlown).
RPCarrier Reporting Carrier
Passengers Number of Passengers
ItinFare Itinerary Fare Per Person
BulkFare Bulk Fare Indicator (1=Yes)
Distance Itinerary Distance (Including Ground Transport)
DistanceGroup Distance Group, in 500 Mile Intervals
MilesFlown Itinerary Miles Flown (Track Miles)
ItinGeoType Itinerary Geography Type

Table 3: DB1B Market Metadata

Attribute Description
ItinID Itinerary ID
MktID Market ID
MktCoupons Number of Coupons in the Market
Year Year
Quarter Quarter (1-4)
OriginAirportID Origin Airport, Airport ID. An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airport. Use this field for airport analysis across a range of years because an airport can change its airport code and airport codes can be reused.
OriginAirportSeqID Origin Airport, Airport Sequence ID. An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airport at a given point of time. Airport attributes, such as airport name or coordinates, may change over time.
OriginCityMarketID Origin Airport, City Market ID. City Market ID is an identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a city market. Use this field to consolidate airports serving the same city market.
Origin Origin Airport Code
OriginCountry Origin Airport, Country Code
OriginStateFips Origin Airport, State FIPS Code
OriginState Origin Airport, State Code
OriginStateName Origin State Name
OriginWac Origin Airport, World Area Code
DestAirportID Destination Airport, Airport ID. An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airport. Use this field for airport analysis across a range of years because an airport can change its airport code and airport codes can be reused.
DestAirportSeqID Destination Airport, Airport Sequence ID. An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airport at a given point of time. Airport attributes, such as airport name or coordinates, may change over time.
DestCityMarketID Destination Airport, City Market ID. City Market ID is an identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a city market. Use this field to consolidate airports serving the same city market.
Dest Destination Airport Code
DestCountry Destination Airport, Country Code
DestStateFips Destination Airport, State FIPS Code
DestState Destination Airport, State Code
DestStateName Destination State Name
DestWac Destination Airport, World Area Code
AirportGroup Airport Group
WacGroup World Area Code Group
TkCarrierChange Ticketing Carrier Change Indicator (1=Yes)
TkCarrierGroup Ticketing Carrier Group
OpCarrierChange Operating Carrier Change Indicator (1=Yes)
OpCarrierGroup Operating Carrier Group
RPCarrier Reporting Carrier Code
TkCarrier Ticketing Carrier Code for On-line Itineraries (otherwise equal to 99)
OpCarrier Operating Carrier Code for On-line Itineraries (otherwise equals to 99)
BulkFare Bulk Fare Indicator (1=Yes)
Passengers Number of Passengers
MktFare Market Fare (ItinYield*MktMilesFlown)
MktDistance Market Distance (Including Ground Transport)
MktDistanceGroup Distance Group, in 500 Mile Intervals
MktMilesFlown Market Miles Flown (Track Miles)
NonStopMiles Non-Stop Market Miles (Using Radian Measure)
ItinGeoType Itinerary Geography Type
MktGeoType Market Geography Type

Table 4: DB1B Coupon Metadata

Attribute Description
ItinID Itinerary ID
MktID Market ID
SeqNum Coupon Sequence Number
Coupons Number of Coupons in the Itinerary
Year Year
OriginAirportID Origin Airport, Airport ID. An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airport. Use this field for airport analysis across a range of years because an airport can change its airport code and airport codes can be reused.
OriginAirportSeqID Origin Airport, Airport Sequence ID. An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airport at a given point of time. Airport attributes, such as airport name or coordinates, may change over time.
OriginCityMarketID Origin Airport, City Market ID. City Market ID is an identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a city market. Use this field to consolidate airports serving the same city market.
Quarter Quarter (1-4)
Origin Origin Airport Code
OriginCountry Origin Airport, Country Code
OriginStateFips Origin Airport, State FIPS Code
OriginState Origin Airport, State Code
OriginStateName Origin State Name
OriginWac Origin Airport, World Area Code
DestAirportID Destination Airport, Airport ID. An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airport. Use this field for airport analysis across a range of years because an airport can change its airport code and airport codes can be reused.
DestAirportSeqID Destination Airport, Airport Sequence ID. An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airport at a given point of time. Airport attributes, such as airport name or coordinates, may change over time.
DestCityMarketID Destination Airport, City Market ID. City Market ID is an identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a city market. Use this field to consolidate airports serving the same city market.
Dest Destination Airport Code
DestCountry Destination Airport, Country Code
DestStateFips Destination Airport, State FIPS Code
DestState Destination Airport, State Code
DestStateName Destination State Name
DestWac Destination Airport, World Area Code
Break Trip Break Code
CouponType Coupon Type Code
TkCarrier Ticketing Carrier Code
OpCarrier Operating Carrier Code
RPCarrier Reporting Carrier Code
Passengers Number of Passengers
FareClass Fare Class Code. Value Is Defined By Carriers And May Not Follow The Same Standard. Not Recommended For Analysis.
Distance Coupon Distance
DistanceGroup Distance Group, in 500 Mile Intervals
Gateway Gateway Indicator (1=Yes)
ItinGeoType Itinerary Geography Type
CouponGeoType Coupon Geography Type

Below is a detailed example illustrating the relationship between the tables. Let’s say a traveler purchases a round-trip ticket from Miami, Florida to Austin, Texas as shown in Figure 1. The Ticket table, shown in Table 7, records the origin airport along with the total fare price, the total distance traveled, and an indicator specifying if the trip was a round-trip. Table 6 illustrates the Market table, which further details the destination airport along with the total distance flown in each direction. Notice that the trip from Miami to Austin has two market coupons. That is because, on the way to Austin, the traveler needed to make a connection flight at Atlanta airport. The details about the connection flight are, therefore, specified in the Coupon table (Table 5).

Figure 1: Structure of the relationship between the three tables

Table 5: DB1B Coupon table example

ItinID MktID SeqNum OriginAirport DestAirport Distance
200712 2007113 1 MIA ATL 597
200712 2007113 2 ATL AUS 819
200712 2007114 3 AUS MIA 1,106

Table 6: DB1B Market table example

ItinID MktID MktCoupons OriginAirport DestAirport Distance
200712 2007113 2 MIA AUS 1,416
200712 2007114 1 AUS MIA 1,106

Table 7: DB1B Ticket table example

ItinID Coupons OriginAirport Fare Distance Roundtrip
200712 3 MIA 550 2,522 1 (Yes)

Although the DB1B dataset provides some helpful information on the airline market, there exist some limitations that need to be taken into account when working with this data:

  • The DB1B dataset records information helpful in determining air traffic patterns, air carrier market shares, and passenger flows. Therefore, air traffic is recorded without departure and arrival times or the purchase time of tickets. This limits the potential use of the dataset, especially the joint analysis with other datasets because the coupons cannot be used to trace back the flight number.
  • The DB1B dataset includes only a 10% sample of all the airline tickets from reporting carriers, which is a very small percentage of the entire population. The data size remains sufficient for overall analysis, but this can limit the validity of discovered patterns for a small segment of the data, e.g., the number of samples in specific airports can be very limited, which is the case of Rutland, VT; Jackson, TN; Tyler, TX, and Inyokern, CA.
  • The DB1B data is aggregated by quarters; no monthly details can be recovered. Additionally, the time lag of the data release is at least three to four months.
    A few small U.S. regional airlines — e.g., Central Airlines, Allegheny Airlines — are not required to report their data.

Featured Publication: A study found the negative effect of the competition on price dispersion

In the paper entitled: “Does competition reduce price dispersion? New evidence from the airline industry, Gerardi and Shapiro [1], financial economists from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and the Bureau of Economic Analysis, respectively, investigated how competition affects the dispersion and discrimination of airline prices.

Price dispersion is an economics term that refers to the fluctuation of prices across markets and sellers of identical items. The difference between price discrimination and dispersion is that the former refers to a situation when a single seller charges different customers different prices for an identical product, while the latter involves multiple sellers that charge different prices for the same product.

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data highlights db1b

Data Highlights: An in-depth review of the Origin and Destination Survey (DB1B)

The Airline Origin and Destination Survey dataset, also known as DB1B, is a 10% random sample of airline tickets data collected by the Office of Airline Information of the Bureau of Transportation and Statistics. DB1B was created specifically to determine patterns for air traffic, air carrier market shares, and passenger flows. Here we provide some insightful analysis based on this dataset. All the content will be presented in the form of a Jupyter Notebook. You can find the notebook here.